Federal Claiming Consulting
We Perfect Federal Recoveries for Our Company’s Clients

Federal claiming is a complex process. You need an experienced team on your side that understands your operations and the federal programs that can support it – DSN can help.
DSN’s Federal Claiming Protection and Enhancement practice was founded by a team of subject matter experts (SMEs) with decades of experience working with federally funded programs and systems at both the state and local levels. Our company understands federal regulations and claiming opportunities and we can react quickly and accurately to any changes in order to implement the necessary initiatives to protect and potentially increase revenue sources.
Our Company’s Federal Claiming Team
Our team is highly recognized for its abilities and professionalism. DSN’s approach covers:
- Eligibility
- Claiming
- Protection and enhancement of federal recoveries
- Development and maintenance of information systems to operate and support client program eligibility determination and claiming
We bring meaningful experience in protecting and enhancing federal revenues for our company’s clients. DSN’s comprehensive approach and experience allows our company to create tailored solutions to efficiently improve eligibility accuracy and provide critical clarification and guidance to capture all claimable expenditures.
How DSN’s Federal Claiming Services Help Our Clients
Our company’s clients come to us with the need to optimize their federal reimbursements. With DSN’s decades of experience working with federal programs, we drive claiming accuracy and revenue optimization.
Here is more on how DSN helps our clients:
- We help with federal claim preparation through the development of custom and proprietary software. DSN also provides staff with claiming expertise. This demonstrated combination results in timely and accurate federal claiming.
- We provide adaptive and flexible solutions that address federal requirements. There is no cookie-cutter approach. DSN tailors each job to the individual specifications and needs of the client. The result is that DSN has an immediate response to address audit findings and avoid future disallowances.
- Our company’s team has the background and experience to provide IT support in each phase of federal claiming. DSN’s ongoing technology support helps our clients react quickly to policy changes in order to protect, and potentially enhance, current and future recoveries.
Consider DSN for Federal Claiming Protection and Improvement
DSN simplifies the federal claiming process for our company’s clients so that they can focus on improving recoveries. We assist state and local governments in understanding the reimbursements to which they are entitled. If you have questions or would like to speak with us about our company’s process, contact DSN today!
Ready to Get Started?
We aim to help people connect more efficiently with the services they need. At DSN, we’re focused on providing real-world solutions to complex and difficult problems. We take pride in treating every client as a top priority.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help provide the solutions you are seeking!