Cost Allocation Plans (CAPs) & Rate Analysis
We Help State and Local Governments Increase Federal Reimbursement

When it comes to determining state and local reimbursements for federal programs, DSN offers our company’s clients demonstrated strategies and proven approaches. We analyze and prepare complex Cost Allocation Plans (CAPs), and Public Assistance Cost Allocation Plans (PACAPs), as well as compile indirect cost rates for state and local governments.
Our company’s team brings vast knowledge and extensive experience to deliver the critical insights and accurate results necessary to help DSN’s clients document and quantify their indirect costs. DSN assists our clients in increasing their cost recoveries expended on federal, state, and local programs.
DSN’s work with numerous state and local governmental entities has given our company the unrivaled depth of expertise to offer innovative solutions as a trusted advisor and reliable guide.
How DSN’s Cost Allocation Plans Help Our Clients
Our clients come to DSN looking to recover costs that were expended by their organization on federal, state, and local programs. DSN performs accurate CAPs to ensure each client’s direct and indirect administrative costs are fully recognized. The result is that our company’s clients see a full recovery of allowable direct and indirect costs expended on federal and state programs.
Here’s more on how DSN helps our clients:
- We provide complete transparency and accountability through full adherence to government guidelines and regulations. DSN offers compliance and assistance with every part of federal audits.
- We are knowledgeable of allowable costs and administrative activities under governmental programs. DSN’s in-depth understanding of the implications of CAP results and the impact on operations and revenue recovery works to mitigate risk and protect revenues.
- We take a comprehensive approach to CAPs, based on federal guidelines. DSN delivers CAPs that increase revenue recoveries and comply with federal regulations, while striving to incur no cost disallowances.
Hire DSN For Comprehensive Cost Analysis Planning
At DSN, we are looking to connect people, companies, and organizations with the services that they need. Our CAPs and PACAPs are designed to help local and state government agencies better understand how to recover the reimbursements to which they are entitled. If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about a project, contact us today!
Ready to Get Started?
We aim to help people connect more efficiently with the services they need. At DSN, we’re focused on providing real-world solutions to complex and difficult problems. We take pride in treating every client as a top priority.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help provide the solutions you are seeking!